The Importance of Infant and Toddler Dentistry

Many parents may believe that dental care isn't a priority until their child's baby teeth begin to emerge. However, the truth is that dental care is important from the very beginning, as early as infancy. From cleaning and hygiene to identifying potential issues, infant and toddler dentistry is crucial to the lifelong health of your child's teeth. Explore some common questions parents have about their child's dental care, including whether they should see a dentist before their first tooth.

When Should Your Child Start Seeing a Dentist?

Ideally, children should have their first dental visit by their first birthday or half a year after the emergence of their first tooth. While this may seem early, it gives the dentist the opportunity to check for any potential problems and provide guidance on proper dental hygiene. Early visits also help acclimate your child to regular dental care and can prevent future dental anxiety.

Why Is Proper Dental Hygiene Important for Infants and Toddlers?

While your child may not have a full set of teeth yet, proper dental hygiene is still important. Gums should be cleaned and massaged regularly with a damp washcloth or gauze to remove any bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. Once teeth begin to emerge, brushing them twice a day with a small amount of toothpaste can help prevent decay and ensure healthy teeth growth. Teaching children at a young age the importance of brushing and flossing will help set them up for a lifetime of good dental health.

What Are Common Infant and Toddler Dental Issues?

Infants and toddlers can have a variety of dental issues, including tooth decay, cavities and gum infections. Bottle decay is a common issue in young children who are put to bed with a bottle containing milk, formula or fruit juice. The sugar from these drinks sits on your child's teeth overnight and can cause decay. Thumb sucking or pacifier use can also cause alignment problems, which can impact the growth of adult teeth. Regular dental checkups will help identify any potential issues and provide corrective options.

How Can You Make Your Child's Dental Visits More Comfortable?

Dental anxiety can start early, but there are ways you can make your child's dental visits more comfortable. One way is to choose a pediatric dentist who specialises in treating infants, children and adolescents. They will be specially trained to address the unique needs of children and can offer pain-free treatment options. You can also schedule appointments at a time when your child is well-rested and fed, so they are less likely to be irritable during the visit. Finally, you can prepare your child for the visit by talking positively about the dentist and role-playing dental exams at home.

For more info about dentistry, contact a local professional. 
